Wearing a heart tattoo is a way of telling the world you are passionate about your beliefs or about your commitments. The fact you wear a permanent symbol lets others know how deeply you feel. At the same time it is your reminder of your heartfelt passion and of your dedication. You are reminding yourself and the world of what or whom you stand for and that you are proud of it. If you are tempted to falter, you have your symbol, your reminder, to keep you strong. Your strength tattoo of the heart is your banner and your badge of honor.
Heart Strength Tattoos
The image of the heart can express our deepest feelings and heart tattoos can connect us to these feelings. We say things like "in my heart of hearts," meaning in the deepest part of us, where our truth lies, maybe our souls. This goes to the core of our being, our best and strongest part. Deep down we want to be strong and we know we are. It's only when we are faced with some situations that make us doubt ourselves that we are afraid of not measuring up. Heart tattoos can remind us of that deep strength we have. We simply need a reminder to trigger it.
Heart Tattoos As Mementos
Heart tattoos are ideal as mementos. Mementos make us strong. They connect us to someone we love who made us feel good about ourselves. Unless we are very lucky, we only ever meet a few people who have this effect on us, maybe only one or two - one or two people who loved us for ourselves alone just as we are. We did not have to prove anything to them to win their love. Wearing memento tattoos of the heart can remind us of these people and of the way we felt when we were with them. It reminds us of how strong and confident we felt. It helps us to feel that way again.
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