Sunday, 26 June 2011

Different Artists Create The Same Image Like This

Audible are only soft blues and scratches. A single subject is attempted by seventeen artists arranged in a circle, using pencils, pastels, and paint. There is a small bench in the middle of them, where a subject, a dance instructor in workout clothes, sits looking toward the ceiling.

Some artists are captivated by her graceful features and upswept hair. Others use either long strokes or shading to do justice to her lovely limbs.

One painter from Crystal Lake aims to capture movement, and she does this by superimposing watercolor outlines across the canvas. Primarily a landscape artist, she uses their group's weekly meeting to refine her figure drawing skills and to experiment with new techniques.

She says, unlike with musicians and their instruments, most people don't associate practice with drawing. She evaluates her work with one look and is satisfied. Inspiration can strike at any time for artists, whether after hours of labor or a quick practice run, and portraits in particular require a rendering that reaches out to the viewer through the expression of the human figure.

Portraiture is the specialty of another female member, who rediscovered her love two years ago after being held back by the business world for twenty years. Portraits have always touched her in a certain way.

The canvas is where she can translate her understanding of the emotion of the subject. She paints the confident model using bold colors, dark green, blue, yellow and white, that other artists would hesitate to use.

What the artist sees is more than the colors of one's face. Undertones are created by the light, like cool greens and blues and warm yellows and whites, that must also be taken into consideration. She says she needs practice in these techniques perfected by Renoir.

Both live sittings and photographs will do for an artist on commission. For those with no time to spare sending a photograph is convenient, but a live sitting enhances the personality captured on canvas. It takes much effort to depict personality through art.

Sometimes, there's just a split second where you see their personality. Though her portraits never lack in likeness, this is not her number one aim. She wants to get the inner person, and when she does, it usually comes out looking attractive.

Artists must learn to compromise their unique urges with the requests of the patron. In addition, the artist should not be afraid to use striking colors to highlight the subject.


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