A great aspect of scary movies is the ability, of certain actors, to scream. High pitched squealing directly impacts the chances of making an audience jump from fright. If you have ever been within the confines of a film theater, you know just how shrill that sound is on your ears; especially in a building. Add to that the fact others probably will also scream, simply from being startled. This causes a domino effect, and passes fear onto other patrons.
These flicks have been around for more than one hundred years. Someone probably started them by playing on the fears we gain while still children. You probably remember being little and becoming afraid of the monster under the bed. You would cover your head, with your blankets, in hopes he would never come to get you. How silly you felt in the morning but, still the scariness remained.
There also were times, you may have had to travel home by walking in the dark. How often a shadow would pass, and you were sure some menacing figure was about to grab you, and pull you into the bushes. Even within the boundaries of your own home, you were certain a werewolf, or vampire could gain access to you, through utilizing your closet.
Many of these films offer a measure of sympathy, toward the villains. They may have been abandoned, abused, or tortured, during their childhoods, presenting the thought that they are somehow gaining vengeance by hurting others. This adds reality to the film, which many individuals find intriguing.
It has been suggested these cinemas offer much for the male gender. The screaming women, almost always, end up naked. Most red blooded men do prefer to view scenes which grant a nude, female body. We must face that going to the theater is not so appealing, to a man, unless he knows he may see the anatomy of the opposite gender.
Ghosts are fantastic subjects for this genre. Realistically many have proclaimed that they have been visited by a dead relative, or other spiritual being. Horrible outcomes have occurred through the ages, and have been written about through various authors. When these compositions are made into cinemas, through the use of special effects, people can embrace the emotions.
Whether you like horror movies, or not, these are works of art. Yes, art is in the eye of the beholder, and this does deserve to be placed in the category. Some are very gory, showing lots of guts, blood, and disgusting images. Others are more suspenseful, and give you twists where you may not figure out who is the bad guy. Whatever the case, these are for entertainment purposes, and should never be viewed more than that.
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