First, bring dollar bills. This is probably the most important advice one can be given. Depending on the establishment, women will be dancing and stripping for set times at major and minor stages in the strip club. It's customary to place dollar bills in the dancer's g-string. If you choose to give her a higher bill value, like a five, ten, or twenty-dollar bill, she will dance specifically for you for a given set of time. However, because of the rotation on stage, she only has so much time to devote to you. You may not feel that you got your money's worth, but at least you got something. Chances are if you buy a drink with a twenty-dollar bill, they'll give you one dollar bills back. You can always get change there at the club if you're trying to look cool.
Another good tip is that you should probably bring friends. Strip clubs are like movies - you never really want to go alone. Not only will you have a good time with your friends, but you'll also be more engaged and enjoy yourself more what with all the hooting and hollering from your buds. You can also split a private showing with a specific dancer if the club has private rooms. There is always a bar and sometimes these establishments have food as well. It's a night out with the boys!
Speaking of private rooms, come financially prepared if you're interest in a private session with one of the dancers at the strip club. Most of the women who are not on stage are going around soliciting guests for private sessions with them. Depending on how long, whether it's 15 minutes or more, it'll cost you a fair amount of money. It'll also depend on the level of nakedness. If they strip bare, that'll cost you more. You can either have a dancer in a group setting or in a private room for just yourself. Either way, it's good to come prepared with at least an additional fifty to one hundred bucks to handle this service.
When you're picking a strip club, be sure it's an establishment that you're interested in. Some are very classy joints with a hand-picked group of dancers. Some are geared toward younger looking women or certain ethnic groups. Other clubs are kind of a free for all, with amateur nights or women who pay a fee in order to entertain for the night. Some are specifically gentleman's clubs with no women voyeurs allowed. Depending on what you and your friends are looking for, do a little research on what's available in your area. If you have choices available, make one based on the group.
Lastly, if you are planning an event with a great deal of people, chances are you're going to want to talk to the owner or manager of the strip club and see if you can arrange space for your party. Bachelor's parties, birthday parties, or any kind of celebration can be a great time at a club. There are often party rooms and special things available for groups. If you're a regular, you can even request specific dancers.
Now that you have little more information - have a good time! And remember- respect these women. Although it is entertainment, they are women making a living with their particular talents. Don't forget to tip your bartenders well, too!
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