This particular article is going to breakdown the purpose and point of these items today. Perhaps by the end of reading this article, you will have a better idea about why they are influential and pertinent to certain genres and the entire music industry.
Marketing is a huge part of becoming a successful musician or performing artist these days. What was once exclusively based on talent now seems to rely more on the amount of fans you have through a social networking site and what the buzz about you on the internet is. With this in mind, new artists and old artists alike are trying to get people excited about new music.
There are several roles that these mix tapes will play in the promotion and distribution of new music to people all over the globe. While many genres will employ this approach for distribution and introducing new tracks and new artists to fans, perhaps no other genre will do it more than rap and hip hop music.
These tapes are going to be good for getting people introduced to new artists that are trying to break in on the scene. These tapes, which are actually CDs or digital downloads, feature a song or two of numerous new artists in many cases. This is usually classified based on the style of rap or hip hop they perform or the label to which they were signed.
These are also excellent to give older artists who might have gone without releasing an album for a while a chance to reconnect with fans. Getting a buzz going before the official release of an album is good for first week sales. Therefore, by releasing maybe the first single along with a chopped up version of the same song with guest rappers can get some buzz rolling in.
Apart from this, this is a great way for artists to get unrealized ideas out there. While it might not have quite been something they wanted to throw on an album, it might still be worth putting out there in this sense. DJs release mix tapes very regularly that take one rappers lyrical performance and place it over another popular rap releases beat. This is known as sampling.
Perhaps you wanted to get some insight regarding new mixtapes. If you wanted to know what the point and purpose of them are, and who is using them as well, hopefully this was able to help you. There are many websites offering free listening to the latest tapes being released, so if you want to hear what the hip hop community is putting out there, this is a great way to do that.
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