Men, avert your eyes. Or maybe don’t but only if you’re ready for your daily dose of the painful truth. Because here it is: women don’t always tell the truth. And what’s more, we don’t think we should. Oh, get that sour look of your face; this doesn’t make us the devil. On the contrary, it makes us smart girls who occasionally know how to play the game properly.
Don’t get me wrong…in almost all situations, I think ‘fessing up to the troubling truth is the way to go. I really don’t think that a relationship without trust and honesty can survive (and I don’t just throw those words around, my friends). So where do the acceptable lies come in? Well, they’re more like omissions than anything. Because honestly, there are some things that are so personal that they aren’t fodder for public consumption…even if the “public” is just the person you’re dating.
So what kinds of things are we sneaky ladies keeping from you fine fellows? Let’s ask some real, live chicks who aren’t me!
I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years, I’m positive we’re going to be together forever (editor’s note: Yeah. Sure.) but I’ve never told him about the abortion I had when I was 19. It’s just really painful to talk about and I think it would just upset me to have to explain the whole thing and my feelings and all that. I have my best friend and my sister and mom, who were all around for that and if I have any lingering issues to work out about it, I have them. I’m also a little afraid that it would change how he views me, which is as someone who loves kids and wants to have kids…because I am that person! I really don’t think he would be capable of understanding how that’s still true, even though [the abortion] happened.
I have pretty major debt. Between school and credit cards and a minor (but really expensive) surgery a few years ago, I’ll be paying this shit off for a long, long time. I haven’t told my boyfriend because it’s something I have to deal with. I don’t want him to think that by talking to him about it, I somehow think it’s gone from a “me” issue to an “us” issue. And to be really honest, I think sometimes that no one will want to think about spending their life with someone who is already so far behind financially.
This isn’t my real nose. These aren’t my real boobs either. I actually can’t believe he hasn’t figured that last one out. It kinda makes me think maybe he’s lying about how much experience he’s had with boobs buuuuut that’s another story.
How many people I’ve had sex with. He thinks it’s one less than his number. It’s actually more than twice his. I think he would judge me, even if he didn’t mean to, if he knew the real number. And I wouldn’t want him believing that some aspect of my history makes him somehow less special or unique, because that’s not true. This is definitely a “what he doesn’t know can't hurt him” situation.
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